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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-22130

Run XA transaction DB with Fuse 7.12 AR15 on EAP


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • fuse-7.12-GA
    • None
    • Fuse Standalone
    • None
    • Very Likely

      1) start AMQ7
      2) Optional start a database on http://dballocator.hosts.mwqe.eng.bos.redhat.com:8080/Allocator/AllocatorServlet?operation=report and provide the required system property (by looking at jenkins or jenkins-jobs project) in order to use a real remote database, or execute everything in in-memory h2 database
      3) Start Jboss EAP
      4) Execute on jbossqe-camel-it project: mvn clean install -Pxa-transactions-execution,jboss-eap,amq7 -pl :basic-jms-jpa-test-eap -Dexternal.broker.port=61616 -am -amd -fae

      Jobs to evaluate results:

      Successful Test Cases: 3 Successful for each database

      Flaky Test:

      • There is rerun implemented


      • results of the job run are stored in Polarion
      • status with the links is provided

            sveres@redhat.com Stefan Veres
            fuseqe Fuse QE (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
