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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-21874

CamelBatchComplete is always true for PollEnrich File component


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • fuse-7.13-GA
    • fuse-7.11.1-GA
    • Camel
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • % %
    • Todo
    • Very Likely
    • Customer Facing

      We are using GroupedExchangeAggregationStrategy with .completionPredicate(simple('exchangeProperty.CamelBatchComplete'))
      Since CamelBatchComplete is always true our grouping is not happening. The property CamelBatchComplete should be true only for the last file.

      This is the behavior change from 6.3 to 7.11. Our code depends on

      1. In fuse 6.3, the behavior is as below:

      The CamelBatchSize is the file size in the dir, if there are 3 files, the size is 3. only when processing the last file, the CamelBatchComplete: true

      CamelBatchComplete: false
      CamelBatchSize: 3
      messageid: ID-wuxiaohuinoMacBook-Pro-57010-1694156856660-0-3
      CamelBatchComplete: false
      CamelBatchSize: 3
      messageid: ID-wuxiaohuinoMacBook-Pro-57010-1694156856660-0-6
      CamelBatchComplete: true
      CamelBatchSize: 3
      messageid: ID-wuxiaohuinoMacBook-Pro-57010-1694156856660-0-9

      2. In fuse 7.11, the behavior is as below:

      CamelBatchSize: is always 1, so each time the CamelBatchComplete: true

      CamelBatchComplete: true
      CamelBatchSize: 1
      messageid: ID-wuxiaohuinoMacBook-Pro-1694157010694-0-3
      2023-09-08 15:10:12 INFO  pollEnrich:159 - DONE!!!!
      CamelBatchComplete: true
      CamelBatchSize: 1
      messageid: ID-wuxiaohuinoMacBook-Pro-1694157010694-0-6
      2023-09-08 15:10:13 INFO  pollEnrich:159 - DONE!!!!
      CamelBatchComplete: true
      CamelBatchSize: 1
      messageid: ID-wuxiaohuinoMacBook-Pro-1694157010694-0-9
      2023-09-08 15:10:14 INFO  pollEnrich:159 - DONE!!!!

            ldemasi Luigi De Masi
            rhn-support-xiwu Xiaohui Wu
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
