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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-21742

New Fuse Console deployments don't work after yearly "openshift-service-serving-signer" certificate rotation.


    • Critical
    • Very Likely

      After the Fuse Console deployment is installed by the operator, its certificate has to be renewed each year, as it cannot access the pods, as described in this KB article [1]

      Initially, it was associated with a Openshift bug [2], it is also discused on this jira report [3], but the Openshift Engineering team denied it was something
      on the platform itself, and closed the ticket

      So, after reviewing this issue, we decided to have a look, from the Fuse Console side, as the certificate that is duplicated is generated by the Operator itself,
      and this is not responsability of the Openshift team.

      This note [4] should also be considered

      [1] https://access.redhat.com/solutions/5751001
      [2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1920974
      [3] https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-14666
      [4] https://access.redhat.com/solutions/6961450

        1. screenshot-1.png
          35 kB
          Grzegorz Grzybek

              ggrzybek Grzegorz Grzybek
              rhn-support-anarvaez Alfredo Narvaez
              Juri Solovjov Juri Solovjov
              2 Vote for this issue
              13 Start watching this issue
