Resolution: Done
Job for generating the overview (triggered by UMB message):
All relevant boolean parameters should be selected
- 7.7.x - EAP, Karaf, SB, SB2
- 7.8+ - EAP, Karaf, SB2
Check WEB-UI to see if the Overview is updated and Build IDs are correct under Build Info (e.g. FUSE_7.7.0_#9)
IDs can be edited in jenkins@fuse-qe.hosts.prod.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/data/files/fuse-boms/id-list.txt
Click "Generate URL" button in the WEB-UI to copy link of the overview and provide it in this issue.
Manual triggering of the job:
- Run the job with appropriate versions (e.g. from issue about current release - Build Fuse 7.7.0 Build 9 - https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ENTESB-14271)
- VERSION_REDHAT_FUSE: version.redhat-fuse.redhat-fuse-7.11
- VERSION_REDHAT_FUSE_SB2: version.redhat-fuse.redhat-fuse-sb2-7.11
- select relevant boolean parameters
Manual generation on your machine:
- Clone https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/jboss-fuse-qe/build-check
- Go to /bom-check directory
- Build the application:
- mvn clean package -DskipTests
- Generate JSON files:
- Generate EAP, Karaf, SB, SB2 files (Fuse 7.7.x):
- java -jar -Dmaven.home=$MAVEN_HOME -Dfuse.version=7.7.0.fuse-770012-redhat-00003 -Dfuse.sb2.version=7.7.0.fuse-sb2-770010-redhat-00001 target/bom-check-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- Generate EAP, Karaf, SB2 files (Fuse 7.8+):
- java -jar -Dmaven.home=$MAVEN_HOME -Dfuse.version=7.8.0.fuse-780012-redhat-00003 -Dfuse.sb2.version=7.8.0.fuse-sb2-780010-redhat-00001 -Dsb=false target/bom-check-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- Generate EAP, Karaf, SB, SB2 files (Fuse 7.7.x):
- Previous command displays location of the generated files (e.g. /tmp/fuse-boms/). Folders containing generated JSON files should be copied to jenkins@fuse-qe.hosts.prod.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/data/files/fuse-boms/
- Add these files to jenkins@fuse-qe.hosts.prod.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/data/files/fuse-boms/id-list.txt with corresponding IDs
- If you want these files to be defaultly displayed in the WEB-UI you also need to rewrite const FUSE_VERSION and const FUSE_SB2_VERSION in jenkins@fuse-qe.hosts.prod.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/data/files/fuse-boms/web-ui/diff.js