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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-19597

Run Kamelet upstream tests with Camel-K snapshots


      • Test against nightly Camel K snapshot
      • Test against LTS versions of Camel K 1.9.x, 1.8.x, 1.6.x

      Currently Kamelet catalog tests are run in an upstream CI/CD with the latest released Camel-K versions (1.8.2, 1.9.2, 1.6.8)

      We need to run these tests also with the nightly snapshots in order to get early feedback when there is a change required or something starts to be broken.

      Currently only nightly 1.10.x based on main branch is available. We need to also start creating nightly builds for all LTS versions of Camel-K 1.8.x and 1.6.x.

      Then create upstream CI/CD to test the Kamelets with these nightly snapshots on a regular basis (e.g. nightly).

              Unassigned Unassigned
              christoph.deppisch Christoph Deppisch
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