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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-17783

Change name of camel-quarkus MRRC repo


      From Viliam : There should be a offical product name inside the mrrc: "rhi-camel-quarkus-2.2.0-maven-repository" -> rhi-camel-extensions-for-quarkus-2.2.0-maven-repository

      rhi-camel-quarkus-2.2.0-maven-repository.zip unzips into a rhi-camel-quarkus-2.2.0-maven-repository directory, we should change the name of the zip and the directory it fits into to match the new product name.

      vkasala@redhat.com Do we need to regenerate a MRRC for CQ5 with the new name?

      Viliam: Please, change also content of README.md.

      current README.md

      Red Hat Fuse Maven Repository

      This archive contains Maven repository artifacts for Red Hat Fuse.

      proposed README.md

      RHI Camel Extensions for Quarkus Maven Repository

      This archive contains Maven repository artifacts for RHI Camel Extensions for Quarkus .


              sghosh7 Souvik Ghosh
              tcunning@redhat.com Thomas Cunningham
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