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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-17032

OLM manual upgrade `techpreview` -> `1.4.x` does not work


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • Camel-K-GA
    • None
    • Camel-K
    • None

      As mentioned in https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ENTESB-17001?focusedCommentId=16427550&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-16427550 I try to do a `manual` cross-channel upgrade.


      I have installed Camel-K operator from the OCP UI with the `techpreview` channel:
      ➜  ~ oc get csv
      NAME                              DISPLAY                         VERSION   REPLACES                          PHASE
      red-hat-camel-k-operator.v1.3.3   Red Hat Integration - Camel K   1.3.3     red-hat-camel-k-operator.v1.3.2   Succeeded
      ➜  ~ oc edit subscriptions.operators.coreos.com red-hat-camel-k
      so we have
        Channel:                1.4.x
        Install Plan Approval:  Automatic
        Name:                   red-hat-camel-k
        Source:                 camel-k-source
        Source Namespace:       openshift-marketplace
        Starting CSV:           red-hat-camel-k-operator.v1.3.3
      ➜  ~ oc get csv                                                    
      NAME                              DISPLAY                         VERSION   REPLACES                          PHASE
      red-hat-camel-k-operator.v1.3.3   Red Hat Integration - Camel K   1.3.3     red-hat-camel-k-operator.v1.3.2   Replacing
      red-hat-camel-k-operator.v1.4.0   Red Hat Integration - Camel K   1.4.0     red-hat-camel-k-operator.v1.3.3   Failed
      ➜  ~ oc get csv red-hat-camel-k-operator.v1.4.0 -o yaml
          lastUpdateTime: "2021-07-20T12:31:34Z"
          message: 'install strategy failed: Deployment.apps "camel-k-operator" is invalid:
            spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"app":"camel-k",
            "name":"camel-k-operator"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}:
            field is immutable'

              astefanu@redhat.com Antonin Stefanutti
              jbouska@redhat.com Jan Bouska
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
