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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-14949

Syndesis jaeger is not installed on OCP 3.11 by Fuse Online install script



    • False
    • False
    • % %
    • build6
    • Undefined
    • Hide

      Step to reproduce (contains images for build4)

      git clone -b 1.11.3 https://github.com/syndesisio/fuse-online-install.git
      cd fuse-online-install
      sed -i 's/$SYNDESIS_CLI install operator$/& --image quay.io\/rh_integration\/fuse-online-operator --tag 1.8-14/' ./install_ocp.sh
      sed -i '/wait_for_deployments 1 syndesis-operator/a\
      oc scale dc syndesis-operator --replicas 0 \
      oc set env dc/syndesis-operator RELATED_IMAGE_SERVER=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-ignite-server:1.8-13 \
      oc set env dc/syndesis-operator RELATED_IMAGE_META=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-ignite-meta:1.8-13 \
      oc set env dc/syndesis-operator RELATED_IMAGE_UI=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-ignite-ui:1.8-13 \
      oc set env dc/syndesis-operator RELATED_IMAGE_S2I=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-ignite-s2i:1.8-13 \
      oc set env dc/syndesis-operator RELATED_IMAGE_PSQL_EXPORTER=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-postgres-exporter-rhel7:1.8-2 \
      oc set env dc/syndesis-operator RELATED_IMAGE_UPGRADE=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-ignite-upgrade:1.8-11 \
      oc scale dc syndesis-operator --replicas 1' ./install_ocp.sh
      sed -i '/SYNDESIS_IMAGE=/d' ./common_config.sh
      sed -i '$aSYNDESIS_IMAGE=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-online-operator:1.8-14' ./common_config.sh
      oc login -u system:admin
      bash install_ocp.sh --setup
      bash install_ocp.sh --grant developer
      oc login -u developer
      ## use pull secret which contains credentials for quay and redhat registry
      oc create -f ../syndesis-pull-secret.yaml
      bash install_ocp.sh
      Step to reproduce (contains images for build4) git clone -b 1.11.3 https: //github.com/syndesisio/fuse-online-install.git cd fuse-online-install sed -i 's/$SYNDESIS_CLI install operator $/& --image quay.io\/rh_integration\/fuse-online- operator --tag 1.8-14/' ./install_ocp.sh sed -i '/wait_for_deployments 1 syndesis- operator /a\ oc scale dc syndesis- operator --replicas 0 \ oc set env dc/syndesis- operator RELATED_IMAGE_SERVER=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-ignite-server:1.8-13 \ oc set env dc/syndesis- operator RELATED_IMAGE_META=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-ignite-meta:1.8-13 \ oc set env dc/syndesis- operator RELATED_IMAGE_UI=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-ignite-ui:1.8-13 \ oc set env dc/syndesis- operator RELATED_IMAGE_S2I=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-ignite-s2i:1.8-13 \ oc set env dc/syndesis- operator RELATED_IMAGE_PSQL_EXPORTER=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-postgres-exporter-rhel7:1.8-2 \ oc set env dc/syndesis- operator RELATED_IMAGE_UPGRADE=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-ignite-upgrade:1.8-11 \ oc scale dc syndesis- operator --replicas 1' ./install_ocp.sh sed -i '/SYNDESIS_IMAGE=/d' ./common_config.sh sed -i '$aSYNDESIS_IMAGE=quay.io/rh_integration/fuse-online- operator :1.8-14' ./common_config.sh oc login -u system:admin bash install_ocp.sh --setup bash install_ocp.sh --grant developer oc login -u developer ## use pull secret which contains credentials for quay and redhat registry oc create -f ../syndesis-pull-secret.yaml bash install_ocp.sh


      When I install Fuse Online 7.8 (build4) by fuse online install script on the clean 3.11 cluster (e.g. minishift), the syndesis-jaeger pod will not appear and jaeger-operator log contains following error:

      E1007 11:17:52.546684       1 reflector.go:125] sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/cache/internal/informers_map.go:196: Failed to list *v1.ClusterRoleBinding: clusterrolebindings.rbac.authorization.k8s.io is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:fuse-online-install-test-3:jaeger-operator" cannot list clusterrolebindings.rbac.authorization.k8s.io at the cluster scope: no RBAC policy matched

      When I install it on clean 4.5 cluster (crc), the installation is finished successfully.


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              parichar@redhat.com Paul Richardson
              mkralik@redhat.com Matej Kralik
              Matej Kralik Matej Kralik
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue

