Resolution: Obsolete
ENTESB-12382 - Support for rolling deployments in Fuse Online
Modify the current sysdesis-server deployment config spec created and reconciled by the syndesis-operator to be a Strategy of Rolling rather than the current strategy of recreate.
I am not very familiar with the syndesis operator but if it is creating the deployment config from this template, it is just changing the strategy to "Rolling" (https://github.com/syndesisio/syndesis/blob/624c844a27dbd8e95409646445fea1d2106f1a12/install/operator/pkg/generator/assets/infrastructure/04-syndesis-server.yml.tmpl#L41)
With a rolling deployment strategy and a single replica, downtime is mitigated as Kubernetes will bring up the new pod and terminate the old pod as soon as the new one is ready. I tested this today and it looks to work fine, however, I am not a Fuse Online expert.
- is related to
ENTESB-12382 Support for rolling deployments in Fuse Online
- Closed