Resolution: Done
Update the jar and the bundle with the upstream release 1.9.3 and, if possible, fix the version numbering because the current release 1.9.3.redhat_3 is the upstream 1.9.2 and the whole thing seems quite misleading.
AFAIK the status of the Red Hat Jasyp library is:
- bundle org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt-1.9.3.redhat_3.jar (as also extras/jasypt/lib/jasypt-1.9.3.redhat_3.jar) has been created in September 2016, its sources are in _https://github.com/jboss-fuse/jasypt_ that should be a fork of _http://svn.code.sf.net/p/jasypt/code/trunk/jasypt/_ that is quite the same as the upstream release 1.9.2.
- Jasyp website reports 26 May 2019 as 1.9.3 release date, sources are in _https://github.com/jasypt/jasypt_.
- Apache ServiceMix bundles on GitHub is recent and aligned with Jasyp official release (_https://github.com/apache/servicemix-bundles/commits/master/jasypt-1.9.3_)
- is cloned by
ENTESB-12797 Upgrade Jasypt jar/bundle to the latest upstream release
- Closed