Resolution: Duplicate
I can reproduce this condition against both minishift and remote cluster. If the CRD doesn't exist in the cluster yet and you use operator install, the command fails as it can't create the CR:
docker run --rm --entrypoint syndesis-operator -v $HOME/.kube/config:/tmp/kube/config:z syndesis/syndesis-operator:1.9.100-20191210 install --config /tmp/kube/config --namespace avano-syndesis cluster resources were installed successfully operator was installed successfully error: Object: apiVersion: syndesis.io/v1alpha1 kind: Syndesis metadata: name: app namespace: avano-syndesis spec: addons: null : no matches for kind "Syndesis" in version "syndesis.io/v1alpha1"
When I invoke the command for 2nd time, it is created successfully:
docker run --rm --entrypoint syndesis-operator -v $HOME/.kube/config:/tmp/kube/config:z syndesis/syndesis-operator:1.9.100-20191210 install --config /tmp/kube/config --namespace avano-syndesis shared resources were previously installed operator was previously installed syndesis application was installed successfully