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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-12072

Missing part of first activity records on OCP 4.2. in case the activity contains error


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      1. create Webhook > Log > DB integration on OCP 4.2. (the integration has to produce error in log)
      2. run the integration several times
      3. observe the first recorded activity has not complete action record (missing log information)

      1. create Webhook > Log > DB integration on OCP 4.2. (the integration has to produce error in log) 2. run the integration several times 3. observe the first recorded activity has not complete action record (missing log information)

      There are missing log records in first activity logged by an integration running on Fuse Online ER2 on OCP 4.2. instance, in case the activity contains error logged by the integration (doesn't occur if everything is executed correctly).
      The second and following fired activities seem to be displayed correctly.

      The screenshot, integration log and also the exported integration are attached.

              cmiranda@redhat.com Claudio Miranda
              tplevko@redhat.com Tomas Plevko
              Matej Kralik Matej Kralik
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