Resolution: Duplicate
fuse-7.2, fuse-7.3
From build i can see
Using docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/fuse7-java-openshift@sha256:af7ac90e8de81b76b2949fbf38a16c21444e840d877ed1aed1d3911c057c4b2a as the s2i builder image ================================================================== Starting S2I Java Build ..... S2I binary build from fabric8-maven-plugin detected Copying binaries from /tmp/src/maven to /deployments ... Checking for fat jar archive... Found greetings-service-1.0.0.jar... ... done Pushing image docker-registry.default.svc:5000/llowinge/greetings-service:1.0.0 ... Pushed 0/6 layers, 4% complete Pushed 1/6 layers, 17% complete Push successful
where from
Pushing image docker-registry.default.svc:5000/llowinge/greetings-service:1.0.0 ...
we can see that it is pushed to 1.0.0 whereas the deployment wants 'latest'.
triggers: - type: ConfigChange - imageChangeParams: automatic: true containerNames: - greetings-service from: kind: ImageStreamTag name: 'greetings-service:latest' namespace: llowinge type: ImageChange
which is probably caused by default projectVersion=1.0.0 in the generated app -> if i've changed it manually to eg. projectVersion=7.0.0.redhat-SNAPSHOT (which coresponds with the version in git repo) it works.