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  1. WildFly Elytron
  2. ELY-2539

Errors about failed connections to LDAP are being swallowed


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • Realms
    • None

      When an LDAP realm is wrapped in a caching realm, failed connections to LDAP can be swallowed.

      As an example, see https://github.com/wildfly-security/wildfly-elytron/blob/master/auth/realm/ldap/src/main/java/org/wildfly/security/auth/realm/ldap/LdapSecurityRealm.java#L159C17-L180.

      When registerIdentityChangeListener is called after instantiating the caching realm and an exception occurs in this method, the exception is swallowed. Then, later when using SASL, we'll just get ELY05053: Callback handler failed for unknown reason instead of something like ELY1125 Ldap-backed realm failed to obtain context.

      We should check to see if there's a way to prevent the exception from being swallowed.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            fjuma1@redhat.com Farah Juma
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