Resolution: Done
Since https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFCORE-5464, WildFly can resolve its expression properties from either system property or environment variables.
It provides a simple mapping as described in https://docs.wildfly.org/26.1/Admin_Guide.html#Expression_Resolution.
For consistence, that would be great if Elytron could support the same feature by updating its org.wildfly.security.jose.util.SystemPropertiesJsonParserFactory.SystemEnvProperties to use the same mapping.
As an example, this would allow to specify the OIDC provider url is a simple fashion.
In `oidc.json`, I would set:
"provider-url": "${oidc.provider-url}",
and when I would run WildFly, I could use either the `oidc.provider-url` System property or the `OIDC_PROVIDER_URL` environment variable.
This would simplify the deployment of OIDC on OpenShift to use simple environment variables.
- is related to
DMR-45 Resolve env variables without requiring a env. prefix
- Resolved
WFCORE-5464 Add environment variables as a source for model expression resolution
- Closed