Resolution: Done
Wildfly (26.1.1.Final) loses viewparams in redirect_uri when redirecting to Keyloak!
CLient-Url: http://localhost:8380/wahlen/wahl/ergebnis.xhtml?{*}dswid=-9868&ansicht=wahlkreis&wahl=97&tab=0{*}
redirect to Keycloak loginpage:
earlier Version Wildfly (25.0.1.Final) didn't lose viewparams in redirect_uri when redirct to same Keycloak Server (17.0.0Final):
Thanks in advance!
- is caused by
ELY-2242 OidcRequestAuthenticator.rewrittenRedirectUri retains url query when there's no rewrite rule, but removes it when there's a rewrite rule
- Resolved
- is cloned by
JBEAP-26323 [GSS](8.0.z) ELY-2340 - While using elytron-oidc-client - client application query params are lost when redirected to RH-SSO
- Closed
- is duplicated by
ELY-2513 Deeplinking with OIDC and elytron
- Open
- is related to
WFLY-17324 Query parameters lost on redirect to keycloak OIDC
- Closed
ELY-2246 redirect_url should not have a query string included in it, but some cases retain a partial query string
- Pull Request Sent
- relates to
WFLY-17486 ELY23045: Unable to create redirect response
- Open