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  1. WildFly Elytron
  2. ELY-1864

UDP reconnect should not endlessly loop and attempt to resend the message


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.10.0.CR6, 2.0.0.Alpha5
    • None
    • Audit
    • None

      ELY-1712 introduced a way to limit reconnect attempts. The UDP implementation attempts to endlessly reconnect and re-send the message. With a TCP connection the connection will be retried, but the message is swallowed and not re-sent after re-connection. UDP should do the same thing.

      The reconnect attempts should be checked for both TCP and UDP. Once reached the endpoint should just shutdown and throw an error.

            jperkins-rhn James Perkins
            jperkins-rhn James Perkins
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