Resolution: Done
EJB 3.0 Beta 1, EJB 3.0 RC1
The EJB3 codebase uses 1 minute for the socket timeout, this cannot be altered by any means short of class file hacking. Here is the offending code, complete with the TODO. This should read a system property for this pref. If the property is not there, then fall back to the default.
public class ProxyDeployer
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ProxyDeployer.class);
private Container container;
private Advisor advisor;
private ArrayList proxyFactories = new ArrayList();
public ProxyDeployer(Container container)
{ this.container = container; this.advisor = (Advisor) container; } public void start() throws Exception
RemoteBindings bindings = (RemoteBindings) advisor.resolveAnnotation(RemoteBindings.class);
if (bindings == null)
RemoteBinding binding = (RemoteBinding) advisor.resolveAnnotation(RemoteBinding.class);
if (binding == null)
log.info("no declared remote bindings");
if (ProxyFactoryHelper.getRemoteInterfaces(container) != null)
log.info("there is remote interfaces");
String jndiName = ProxyFactoryHelper.getDefaultRemoteJndiName(container);
log.info("default remote binding has jndiName of " + jndiName);
// todo we need to have a way to define default configuration
String uri =RemoteProxyFactory.DEFAULT_CLIENT_BINDING;
- is blocked by
EJBTHREE-204 need to get remote binding uri from Connector for default
- Closed