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  1. EAP Documentation
  2. EAPDOC-247

Gather stories for EAPDOC-107


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      User Story

      As an EAP server user (developer or sys admin), I want to be able to override management attribute values with environment variables to resolve management model expressions.


      EAP on OpenShift in the cloud relies on container environment variables to customize its configuration to the container platform. It is difficult to change the value of a management attribute from the standalone configuration if the attribute does not provide a default value with an expression that can be resolved at runtime. For example, the user wants to update the `proxy-address-forwarding` attribute on the `/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/http-listener=default` resource. It is not possible to achieve this with our existing configuration as the value is not specified in standalone.xml and defaults to `false`. If we want to allow our users to change this attribute, we must explicitely set its value with an expression that defaults to its default value.

      + I want to improve configuration flexibility, simplify cloud deployment

      Expected Outcome

      I can override management attributes with environment variables.

      General Notes/Links

      EPIC - EAPDOC-107

      STORY - EAPDOC-187

      Engineering analysis

      WildFly core doc


      SME: Jeff Mesnil

      Tester: Vojtěch Šalbaba

            jsese@redhat.com Jocelyn Sese
            ncbaratta Nicole Baratta
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
