Resolution: Done
If you check the "12.5. Configuring the opentelemetry subsystem" paragraph in [^Using-JBoss-EAP-XP-5.0.pdf] (preview of existing XP5 documentation) and the other opentelemetry related content, it looks that it needs to be updated;
embed-server /extension=org.wildfly.extension.opentelemetry:add /subsystem=opentelemetry:add reload /subsystem=opentelemetry:write-attribute(name=exporter-type, value=jaeger) { "outcome" => "failed", "failure-description" => "WFLYOTELEXT0013: The 'jaeger' exporter is no longer supported. Please update the system to use otlp.", "rolled-back" => true }
We can use https://github.com/jbossas/eap-quickstarts/tree/xp-5.0.x/opentelemetry-tracing as inspiration and also the Micrometer paragraph might be useful for the "otel-collector" part;
- is documented by
JBEAP-27390 [XP5] Documentation about opentelemetry needs to be updated - fix hidden content
- New
JBEAP-27366 [XP5] Documentation about opentelemetry needs to be updated - quick fix with hidden content
- Closed
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