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  1. Drools
  2. DROOLS-831

KIE Execution Server is not able to find the Maven repository


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      1.- Run drools-workbench-showcase & kie-server-showcase containers with default configuration
      2.- Build&Deploy mortgages project on the Drools WB
      3.- Register the kie-server on the Drools WB
      3.1- MenuDeploy -> run deployments -> Register

      • endpoint: http://<container_ip>:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server
      • user/pass: kie-server/kie-server
        3.2.- Create a container on kie-server
        Click on "+" on the right side of the server registered
        Add a mortgages container (any name and search for mortgages artifact)
        4.- Select the container just created and run it.
        The exception is thrown on the kie-server side
      1.- Run drools-workbench-showcase & kie-server-showcase containers with default configuration 2.- Build&Deploy mortgages project on the Drools WB 3.- Register the kie-server on the Drools WB 3.1- MenuDeploy -> run deployments -> Register endpoint: http://<container_ip>:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server user/pass: kie-server/kie-server 3.2.- Create a container on kie-server Click on "+" on the right side of the server registered Add a mortgages container (any name and search for mortgages artifact) 4.- Select the container just created and run it. The exception is thrown on the kie-server side
    • NEW
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      In a non-Docker installation of the KIE execution server, the user must configure the Maven settings file to specify where the Maven repository for the artifacts is located.

      As Docker images are immutable, this configuration must be specified at runtime using environment variables when the container starts.

      This feature is not implemented on latest image tag and it's mandatory for being able to use the external Maven repository.

      This bug is reported from community feedback:
      "I'm trying out the docker images for the workbench-showcase and the execution-showcase. Fresh install. I'm using -p 8080:8080 for the wb and 8081:8080 for the exec. WB runs fine and I can build and deploy the mortgage project. Exec runs fine and I can access using REST. I can register the exec server fine. Mortgage container creates fine. Starting the container produces this error on the exec docker:

      987 ERROR [org.kie.server.services.rest.KieServerRestImpl] (default task-5) Error creating container 'Test1' for module 'mortgages:mortgages:0.0.1': java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find KieModule: mortgages:mortgages:0.0.1

      Should this work out of the box?"

              romartin@redhat.com Roger Martinez
              romartin@redhat.com Roger Martinez
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