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  1. Drools
  2. DROOLS-5867

Update ApplyPmmlModelCommand to manage both PMML implementations


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
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    • Undefined
    • NEW
    • NEW
    • ---
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      Currently, ApplyPmmlModelCommand (inside drools) invoke directly the legacy PMML delegate (ApplyPmmlModelCommandExecutorImpl).

      1. move Command newApplyPmmlModel(PMMLRequestData request); from ExtendedKieCommands to KieCommands
      2. define PMMLCommandExecutor interface inside kie-internal (droolsjbpm-knowledge)
      3. define PMMLCommandExecutorFactory interface inside kie-internal (droolsjbpm-knowledge)
      4. write PMMLCommandExecutor implementation (inside kie-pmml-trusty )
      5. write PMMLCommandExecutorFactory implementation (inside kie-pmml-trusty )
      6. write kie.konf in the same module as PMMLCommandExecutorFactory implementation to bind the implementation to the interface
      7. create a static method "isToEnable()" to be used by PMMLAssemblerService(s) and ApplyPmmlModelCommand to retrieve which implementation is to be enabled - it will replace the ones in PMMLAssemblerService(s) (inside kie-api)
      8. modify ApplyPmmlModelCommand to switch between factories/implementations (using the above method to choose the implementation to enable)

              gcardosi Gabriele Cardosi (Inactive)
              gcardosi Gabriele Cardosi (Inactive)
              Jiri Petrlik Jiri Petrlik
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
