Resolution: Duplicate
Following the Traffic Violation tutorial, e.g.: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_decision_manager/7.6/html-single/getting_started_with_decision_services/index#dmn-gs-defining-decision-logic-proc
Despite Violation.Type is defined as a constraint enumeration:
<dmn:itemComponent id="_D16710C9-F626-4351-ABCE-C7F0A1A82F70" name="Type" isCollection="false"> <dmn:typeRef>string</dmn:typeRef> <dmn:allowedValues kie:constraintType="enumeration" id="_C4AFEF49-331A-4A9F-B9AF-478DB7525008"> <dmn:text>"speed", "parking", "driving under the influence"</dmn:text> </dmn:allowedValues> </dmn:itemComponent>
the constraints are not cascaded down to the Decision Table input:
<dmn:input id="_CD3B3323-7C98-44CB-802E-F3A52A4364CC"> <dmn:inputExpression id="_621CEBEF-0710-4474-AFC3-D305517A348F" typeRef="string"> <dmn:text>Violation.Type</dmn:text> </dmn:inputExpression> </dmn:input>
and this does not allow for the Decision Table static analysis to be perfomed (the static analysis reckognize these values seems to be enumerated, but the decision table column does not list them)
- duplicates
DROOLS-4640 DMN Editor constraint on Type does not reflect in Decision Table
- Resolved
- is duplicated by
DROOLS-5745 [DMN Designer] Gap analysis when Data Type is constrained by enumeration
- Closed
- relates to
DROOLS-3647 [DMN Designer] Boxed expressions - Decision Table - Add support for setting constraints on "Input Clauses"
- Closed
DROOLS-5183 DMN DT Analysis Validation for output values constraint
- Closed