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  1. Drools
  2. DROOLS-4907

DMN FunctionDefinition parameter not trimmed by editor


      Parameter are not trimmed by the editor

      Acceptance criteria

      • Add a parameter and before dismissing the dialog add spaces to it's start/end. Press tab.
        • The view should update to show the trimmed name.
        • Undoing the add parameter should remove the parameter.
        • Redoing should add it back.
      • Add a parameter and dismiss dialog
      • Edit parameters and add spaces to the start/end of the parameters name. Press tab.
        • The view should update to show the trimmed name.
        • Undoing the add parameter should remove the parameter.
        • Redoing should add it back.
      • Edit parameters and change the parameters name. Press tab.
        • The view should update to show the new name.
        • Undoing the name change should restore the original name.
        • Redoing should restore the changed name.
      • Add a parameter. Dismiss the dialog.
        • Undo should remove parameter. Redoing should add it back with the same name.

            manstis@redhat.com Michael Anstis
            mmortari@redhat.com Matteo Mortari
            Jozef Marko Jozef Marko (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
