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  1. Drools
  2. DROOLS-3659

DMN: UX for documentation reports


    • 2019 Week 08-10
    • 5
    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.)
    • NEW
    • NEW

      User stories:

      • As a user I want to generate a PDF or HTML report of the DMN model, with documentation, so that I can hand it off to external team and/or business that needs information about the diagrams and the logic of the decisions being automated. The report can be printed out and used by business teams not involved with the modeling itself, to learn about content of the .dmn file.
      • As a user I need a means through the UI to input additional documentation, links and attachments to nodes.


      • Docs to help with docs formatting.
      • Might be able to leverage Case View docs widget.

              rhn-support-eclayton Elizabeth Clayton
              rhn-support-eclayton Elizabeth Clayton
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
