Resolution: Unresolved
Describe the issue:
The documentation over the example (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_data_foundation/4.14/html-single/configuring_openshift_data_foundation_disaster_recovery_for_openshift_workloads/index#creating-sample-subscription-based-application_manage-rdr) should be updated to reduce the chances a customer trying it out will be hit by rate limit exceptions
Describe the task you were trying to accomplish:
I want to make sure customers will be less likely to hit rate limit exceptions and wil have some guidance to deploy the app in a private environment
Suggestions for improvement:
we need to make the customer log into quay as part of it. We should also document which changes to make to redeploy the example from a private git server and private quay instance, so that a demonstration has chances to be succesful
Document URL:
Chapter/Section Number and Title:
4.8 - Create sample application for testing disaster recovery solution
Product Version: 4.14
Environment Details: cuistomer was behind a proxy
Any other versions of this document that also needs this update:
Additional information:
I would recommend to also link to https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_advanced_cluster_management_for_kubernetes/2.9/html/applications/managing-applications#configuring-git-channel to setup credentials or secure connection to a git server (additional information section maybe?)
adding some info on how to copy quay images , etc. should be added in documentation on the github side of the example.
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