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  1. Red Hat Developer Website
  2. DEVELOPER-4433

Usability improvements for OS-specific product downloads

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    • Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Q3FY18
    • UX
    • None
    • Usability improvements for OS-specific product downloads
    • Done
    • Developer Program
    • 4
    • 100
    • 100% 100%
    • Standard UXD



      Product Downloads - CTA Use Cases & Requirements



      UX: gdoyle-1
      VD: jcobb@redhat.com
      Eng: ldary24

      Acceptance Criteria

      Product Downloads Scenarios Doc

      Feature I: Product Overview Page Downloads

      Scenario 1

      Scenario: User navigates to CDK’s product downloads page using Mac OS
      Given I am on CDK’s product download page
      Then underneath the download button, add “for Mac” after the version.

      Scenario 2

      Scenario: User downloads CDK using Mac OS
      Given I am on CDK’s product download page
      And I am using Mac OS
      When I select the download button
      Then download the Mac OS version of CDK (Filename ends in .dmg or contains
      “mac, “osx”, or “darwin”).

      Scenario 3

      Scenario: User navigates to CDK’s product downloads page using Windows OS
      Given I am on CDK’s product download page
      Then underneath the download button, display “for Windows” after the version.

      Scenario 4

      Scenario: User downloads CDK using Windows OS
      Given I am on CDK’s product download page
      And I am using Windows OS
      When I select the download button
      Then download the Windows OS version of CDK (Filename ends in .exe).

      Scenario 5

      Scenario: User navigates to CDK’s product downloads page using Linux OS
      Given I am on CDK’s product download page
      Then display “Install CDK” instead of “Download” in the CTA
      And underneath the button, display “for Linux” after the version.

      Scenario 6

      Scenario: User downloads CDK using Linux OS
      Given I am on CDK’s product download page
      And I am using Linux OS
      When I select the “Install CDK” button
      Then bring me to CDK’s Hello World! Page.

      Scenario 7

      Scenario: User navigates to DevSuite’s product downloads page using Mac OS
      Given I am on DevSuite’s product download page
      Then underneath the download button, add “for Mac” after the version.

      Scenario 8

      Scenario: User downloads DevSuite using Mac OS
      Given I am on DevSuite’s product download page
      And I am using Mac OS
      When I select the download button
      Then download the Mac OS version of DevSuite.

      Scenario 9

      Scenario: User navigates to DevSuite’s product downloads page using Windows OS
      Given I am on DevSuites product download page
      Then underneath the download button, display “for Windows” after the version.

      Scenario 10

      Scenario: User downloads DevSuite using Windows OS
      Given I am on DevSuite’s product download page
      And I am using Windows OS
      When I select the download button
      Then download the Windows OS version of DevSuite.

      Scenario 11

      Scenario: User navigates to DevSuite’s product downloads page using Linux OS
      Given I am on DevSuite’s product download page
      Then display “Install DevSuite” instead of “Download” in the CTA
      And underneath the button, display “for RHEL” after the version.

      Scenario 12

      Scenario: User downloads DevSuite using Linux OS
      Given I am on DevSuite’s product download page
      And I am using Linux OS
      When I select the “Install DevSuite” button
      Then bring me to DevSuite’s Hello World! Page.

      Feature II: Site Downloads Page

      Scenario 1

      Scenario: User navigates to the site’s downloads page using Mac OS
      Given I am on RHDP downloads page
      Then underneath the download buttons in “Most Popular”, display “Version: xxx for Mac"
      And display “for Mac” underneath "Version: xxx" in “All Downloads”.

      Scenario 2

      Scenario: User navigates to the site’s downloads page using Windows OS
      Given I am on RHDP downloads page
      Then underneath the download buttons in “Most Popular”, display “Version: xxx for Windows”
      And display “for Windows” underneath "Version: xxx" in “All Downloads”.

      Scenario 3

      Scenario: User navigates to the site’s downloads page using Linux OS
      Given I am on RHDP downloads page
      Then underneath the download buttons in “Most Popular”, display “Version: xxx for Linux”
      But display "Version: xxx for RHEL" for DevSuite
      And display “for Linux” underneath "Version: xxx" in “All Downloads”
      But display "for RHEL" underneath "Version: xxx" for DevSuite
      And display “Install Devsuite” instead of “Download” in “Most Popular” and “All Downloads” sections
      And display “Install CDK” instead of “Download” in “All Downloads” section.

      Scenario 4

      Scenario: User downloads CDK using Mac OS
      Given I am on the site’s downloads page
      And I am using Mac OS
      When I select the download button
      Then download the Mac OS version of CDK (Filename ends in .dmg or contains “mac, “osx”, or “darwin”).

      Scenario 5

      Scenario: User downloads CDK using Windows OS
      Given I am on the site’s downloads page
      And I am using Windows OS
      When I select the download button
      Then download the Windows OS version of CDK (Filename ends in .exe).

      Scenario 6

      Scenario: User downloads CDK using Linux OS
      Given I am on the site’s downloads page
      And I am using Linux OS
      When I select the “Install CDK” button
      Then bring me to CDK’s Hello World! Page.

      Scenario 7

      Scenario: User downloads DevSuite using Mac OS
      Given I am on the site’s downloads page
      And I am using Mac OS
      When I select the download button
      Then download the Mac OS version of DevSuite.

      Scenario 8

      Scenario: User downloads DevSuite using Windows OS
      Given I am on the site’s downloads page
      And I am using Windows OS
      When I select the download button
      Then download the Windows OS version of DevSuite.

      Scenario 9

      Scenario: User downloads DevSuite using Linux OS
      Given I am on the site’s downloads page
      And I am using Linux OS
      When I select the “Install DevSuite” button
      Then bring me to DevSuite’s Hello World! Page.


      Review Process


        Issue Links



              ldary24 Luke Dary
              tnolan@redhat.com Tiffany Nolan
              rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson


