
      The event for 2014 will be at the same venue. We'll need to update the signage for this coming event.

      Signs are to be completed and approved ASAP. The four agenda signs (#3, #5, #6, & #8) are to be held for last minute schedule adjustments until 1/24. Content changes for these must be frozen by COB Thursday 1/23.

      Creative Deliverables *All to be created with PMS colors and 2" bleeds

      1) Welcome Banner (p.2 of pdf) :: 14’x9’

      2) “Registration Banner” (p.4 of pdf) :: 12’x8’

      3) “Main Agenda Blow Up” (p.5 of pdf) :: 20’x9’

      4) “Main Hall Side Panels (p.6 of pdf) :: This dresses around the main projection screen. There are two side panels each measuring 7.5’ x 18’ on either side of the screen with a 22’x2’ panel below the screen.

      5) “Main Hall Agenda Blow Up“ (p.7 of pdf) :: 6’x8’

      6) “Room 2 Agenda Blow Up” (p.8 of pdf) :: 5.5’x7’

      7) “Room 2 Backdrop Frame” (p.9 of pdf) :: 13’x9’

      8) “Room 3 & 4 Agenda Blow Up” (p.10 of pdf) :: 8’x5’

      9) “Room 3 Side panels” (p.11 of pdf) :: This dresses around the Room 3 projection screen. There are two side panels each measuring 3’ x 10’ on either side of the screen with a 10’x4.2’ panel below the screen.

      10) “Room 4 Side panels” (p.12 of pdf) :: This dresses around the Room 4 projection screen. There are two side panels each measuring 1.5’ x 10’ on either side of the screen with a 10’x4.2’ panel below the screen.

              jcobb@redhat.com James Cobb
              jcobb@redhat.com James Cobb
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