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  1. Visual Design
  2. DESIGN-233

Website themes / templates for Forge-generated applications



      The Forge project is in need of a UI design for our generated applications. We want people to see applications built with Forge and think, "wow, that's a sexy web site. I will be really productive with that!"

      Right now we have "borrowed" the JBoss AS7 splash page theme, but that is not good because it blurs the brand messaging, and it is also a bit bland.

      We need a site-layout for Forge-generated applications that is professional, clean, and fairly simple. Designed for use in interactive EE applications, not just for information presentation or impact.

      First stab at the major elements:

      • Should use a CSS grid system
      • Compatible with jquery
      • Uses HTML5
      • A header branded with the JBoss Forge logo and name, should also contain a navigation area
      • A left or right-hand side navigation menu
      • A main content area
      • A footer

      These are just my thoughts so that we can start the discussion. Our target date is around the middle of December, when Forge is scheduled to go in to JBDS 5.

        1. images.tar
          210 kB
          Lincoln Baxter III

            cheyenneweaver Cheyenne Weaver (Inactive)
            lincolnthree Lincoln Baxter III (Inactive)
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