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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-8195

Wrong values expected for property `database.ssl.mode` in MariaDB


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Important

      Bug report

      For bug reports, provide this information, please:

      When starting a connector with the Maria Db connector, I face an issue regarding the sslmode property.

      As per the documentation, database.ssl.mode can have the values `disabled`, `preferred`, `required`, `verify_ca` and `verify_identity`. This is true for mysql databases. 

      But mariadb expects other values. As per the documentation, they are `disable`, `trust`, `verify-ca`, `verify-full`. 

      When trying to use these values, I get the error:

      There is an issue with the connector.Code: InvalidInput.InvalidConnectorConfigurationMessage: The connector configuration is invalid. Message: Connector configuration is invalid and contains the following 1 error(s): The 'database.ssl.mode' value is invalid: Value must be one of verify_identity, disabled, preferred, required, verify_ca 

      When trying to use the mysql ones, I get authentication problems. 

      With preferred

      [2024-09-02 12:42:24,558] ERROR Failed testing connection for jdbc:mariadb://[URL]:3306/?useInformationSchema=true&nullCatalogMeansCurrent=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&characterSetResults=UTF-8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=CONVERT_TO_NULL&connectTimeout=30000 with user 'username' (io.debezium.connector.binlog.BinlogConnector:70)
      java.sql.SQLException: error parsing url : Wrong argument value 'preferred' for SslMode
        at org.mariadb.jdbc.Configuration.parseInternal(Configuration.java:644) 

      With disabled and required

      [2024-09-02 13:07:34,694] ERROR Failed testing connection for jdbc:mariadb://[URL]:3306/?useInformationSchema=true&nullCatalogMeansCurrent=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&characterSetResults=UTF-8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=CONVERT_TO_NULL&connectTimeout=30000 with user 'username' (io.debezium.connector.binlog.BinlogConnector:70) 
      java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException: (conn=3464490) Access denied for user 'username'@'INTERNAL_IP' (using password: YES)
        at org.mariadb.jdbc.export.ExceptionFactory.createException(ExceptionFactory.java:286)

      Is this expected and is there a workaround for this?

      What Debezium connector do you use and what version?

      mariadb 2.7.1

      What is the captured database version and mode of deployment?

      (E.g. on-premises, with a specific cloud provider, etc.)

      AWS Mariadb

      Do you see the same behaviour using the latest released Debezium version?

      This is also in the latest branch.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              pricelessjunk kaustuv Chakrabarti (Inactive)
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