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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-7806

Ad-hoc blocking snapshot not working through file channeling without inserting a row in the database.


      I am using Debezium Engine 2.6.1 Final, and Debezium Postgres Connector 2.6.1 Final, and I have been facing the same issue.

      While trying to perform the ad-hoc blocking snapshot, using file signal channel, for tables that have only snapshot events and there are no changes in the database after the replication slot was created, the ad-hoc would not work.

      In the database, I have 3 tables: products, items, and test, however in the table.include.list I have included only 2 of them as follows:

      props.setProperty("table.include.list", "public.products,public.items");{}

      Started the engine and all the snapshot events were retrieved successfully. (So far, no changes in the database).

      I sent a signal through the signal file, to perform an ad-hoc for the products table, but nothing happened.

       (Signal file:_ {{}"id"{}:{}"unique-signal-id-0-file"{},{}"type"{}:{}"execute-snapshot"{},{}"data"{}:{{}"type"{}:{}"BLOCKING"{},{}"data-collections"{}:[{_}{_}"public.products"{_}{_}]}}{}){_}

      Then, I added 1 row in the “test” table (which is not in the table.include.list) and the blocking ad-hoc snapshot of the products table that I required earlier started right after this change. 

      From the log, it looks like the streaming won’t be paused unless there is a new LSN: 

      Then, right after that, I performed another ad-hoc, for the “items” table, and it was performed successfully. (Processing signal line: {"id":"unique-signal-id-2","type":"execute-snapshot","data":{"type":"BLOCKING","data-collections":["public.items"]}})

      As it has already been mentioned, the ad-hoc would not be performed if there is no change in the transaction log.

      For your convenience, I have attached the TRACE log file as well as Thread dumbs.

      Could you please take a look at this issue?

      Thank you!

        1. debezium_log.log
          1.46 MB
          h jh
        2. image-2024-04-23-11-58-38-151.png
          183 kB
          h jh
        3. image-2024-04-23-11-58-47-820.png
          368 kB
          h jh
        4. threaddump-added_events_in_db.tdump
          15 kB
          h jh
        5. threaddump-blocking_snapshot_no_events.tdump
          16 kB
          h jh

              rh-ee-mvitale Mario Fiore Vitale
              h-red_hat h jh
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