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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-7509

Facing Invalid LSN When Using Informix Connector [Error code: -83713]


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not a Bug
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • informix-connector
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Important

      Bug report

      For bug reports, provide this information, please:

      What Debezium connector do you use and what version?

      I am using Debezium Informix Source connector and the version is 2.6.0. 

      What is the connector configuration?

      { "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.informix.InformixConnector", "errors.log.include.messages": "true", "topic.creation.default.partitions": "1", "value.converter.schema.registry.subject.name.strategy": "io.confluent.kafka.serializers.subject.TopicNameStrategy", "tasks.max": "1", "key.converter.schema.registry.subject.name.strategy": "io.confluent.kafka.serializers.subject.TopicNameStrategy", "transforms": "unwrap,TSF1", "transforms.TSF1.static.field": "instance_id", "errors.deadletterqueue.context.headers.enable": "true", "database.connection.retry.interval.ms": "1000", "schema.history.internal.store.only.captured.tables.ddl": "true", "schema.history.internal.store.only.captured.databases.ddl": "true", "transforms.TSF1.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.InsertField$Value", "tombstones.on.delete": "true", "topic.prefix": "inst0016_net_02", "decimal.handling.mode": "double", "schema.history.internal.kafka.topic": "informixschemahistory", "transforms.unwrap.drop.tombstones": "false", "topic.creation.default.replication.factor": "1", "errors.deadletterqueue.topic.replication.factor": "1", "transforms.unwrap.type": "io.debezium.transforms.ExtractNewRecordState", "value.converter": "io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter", "errors.log.enable": "true", "key.converter": "io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter", "database.user": "kafka", "database.dbname": "cards", "topic.creation.default.compression.type": "lz4", "topic.creation.default.cleanup.policy": "compact", "time.precision.mode": "connect", "database.server.name": "inst0016_net_02", "snapshot.isolation.mode": "read_committed", "schema.history.internal.kafka.bootstrap.servers": ",,", "database.port": "2037", "value.converter.schema.registry.url": "", "transforms.TSF1.static.value": "150", "errors.max.retries": "-1", "database.hostname": "", "errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name": "informix-gpdb-source-errors", "database.connection.retries": "5", "database.password": "******", "name": "ss", "errors.tolerance": "all", "table.include.list": "cards.mcp.trans_requests_reps", "pk.mode": "primary_key", "key.converter.schema.registry.url": "", "snapshot.mode": "schema_only" }

      What is the captured database version and mode of deployment?

      I am using the below versions of Informix and I am using the KAFKA Connect UI for Debezium connector deployment. 

      Informix Dynamic Server
      Informix JDBC Driver for Informix Dynamic Server

      KAFKA Version: 7.4.1-ce

      What behaviour do you expect?

      The Informix source connector was enabling cdc on the table "trans_requests_reps" and was publishing messages in the topic as expected. However, the source connector was to be paused for some time. It has been expected that after restarting the connector, publishing of messages in the topic would be resumed from where it was left off and after overcoming the backlog, would wait for any event to be executed on the enabled table. 

      What behaviour do you see?

      The Informix source connector was enabling cdc on the table "trans_requests_reps" and was publishing messages in the topic as expected. However, the source connector was to be paused for some time. Upon resuming and restarting the connector, I am facing the following issue : 

      com.informix.stream.impl.IfxStreamException: Unable to activate session. Error code: -83713 at com.informix.stream.cdc.IfxCDCEngine.activateSession(IfxCDCEngine.java:436)

      After root cause analysis, it has been identified that the logical logs have been rolled over and the log sequence number that Debezium would resume publishing messages in KAFKA is now not present in the logical logs, thus causing this issue. 

      Do you have the connector logs, ideally from start till finish?

      Complete logs has been attached. 


            Unassigned Unassigned
            maaheen11 Maaheen Yasin
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