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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-7448

Consolidate Volume(Mount) and Environment variable management


      The operator currently semi-provides two ways of managing storage and environment varibales.

      Storage Situation

      spec.storage to manage the volume for FileOffsetStorage
      spec.runtime.volumes to manage additional volume mounts. THis was initially intended for additional configuration mounts. However lately there were requests for also providing writable volumes

      Env situation

      spec.runtime.env this allows the ability to attach secrets/config maps as as environment variable to created containers
      spec.templates.env allows to directly specify key-value pairs for container environment variables

      This situation seems to be confusing and we should likely revisit this and consolidate everything under Templates. With possibly some very specific configuration (e.g. offset storage) exposed via some higher level properties. However in such situation the purpose should be clear (so no spec.storage but rather something like spec.offsets.fileStorage)

            jcechace@redhat.com Jakub Čecháček
            jcechace@redhat.com Jakub Čecháček
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