Uploaded image for project: 'Debezium'
  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-7075

Single command/click UI frontend installation alternative to container image


    • False
    • None
    • False

      With `docker run` you can start a container image that comes with everything that you need, it downloads and starts a running service.
      Is there an alternative to install (download and build/npm install) and run the Debezium UI with a single command, for example curl and execute a bash script. Are there native deployment tools available in the Javascript universe?
      In best case this option should also be "production ready" (e.g. provide workers for the connection of webservers or loadbalancers or for webserver embedded JS/node runtime/s)

      FYI jpechane ishukla

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              rk3rn3r René Kerner
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