Resolution: Done
In the latest upstream documentation, I have found that there are a couple of differences between connector configs, which means that the configuration is not unified. Some connectors have some options in standard configuration and some in extended. Couple examples:
- `convertes` section is in Oracle connector in standard configuration section not advanced
- max.batch.size, max.queue.size, max.queue.size.in.bytes, poll.interval.ms is not unified across the connectors - MySQL standard, SQL advanced
- snapshot config - Mysql advanced, Oracle standard
Surely there are more configuration properties like this but these are just examples that I remember.
UPDATE [@broldan]
A review of the properties tables for the downstream connectors reveals the following inconsistencies for these properties:
Note: Oracle list all properties in a single table
- ADV:: db2, mysql, pg, sqlserver (not listed for mongodb)
- REQ:: (oracle, but not really per the preceding note)
Action plan:
No current action, pending creation of separate Advanced and Required properties tables for Oracle
max.*.size (batch | queue) and max.queue.size.in.bytes
Note: Oracle list all properties in a single table
- ADV:: db2, mongodb, pg, sqlserver
- REQ:: mysql
Action plan:
Move mysql properties to Advanced table DONE
Note: Oracle list all properties in a single table
- ADV:: db2, mongodb, pg, sqlserver
- REQ:: mysql
Action plan:
Move mysql properties to Advanced table DONE
(mode | isolation.mode | delay.ms | fetch.size |lock.timeout.ms etc)
Note: Oracle list all properties in a single table
- ADV:: db2, mysql, pg, sqlserver
- REQ:: mongodb
Action plan:
Move mongodb properties to Advanced table DONE