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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-6130

Remove references to adding configuration settings to a .properties file


      Per the comment in [PR 3980|https://github.com/debezium/debezium/pull/3980} for DBZ-5283, when the documentation provides examples for connector property settings, it should refer to the connector configuration and not to a .properties file.
      Similar to the recent changes to the documentation for the ExtractChangedRecordState and MongoDB ExtractNewRecordState SMTs, the configuration examples in the following topics should refer to settings in the connector configuration, and they should not mention the use of a .properties file:

      Basic Debezium MongoDB outbox event router SMT configuration

      To configure a Debezium connector to support the outbox pattern, configure the `outbox.EventRouter` SMT. The following example shows the basic configuration for the SMT in a `.properties` file:

      Basic Debezium outbox event router SMT configuration

      To configure a Debezium connector to support the outbox pattern, configure the `outbox.EventRouter` SMT. For example, the basic configuration in a `.properties` file looks like this:

      Example of routing Debezium records for multiple tables to one topic

      For example, configuration in a `.properties` file looks like this:

      Configuration of Debezium event flattening transformation

      Configure the Debezium event flattening SMT in a Kafka Connect source or sink connector by adding the SMT configuration details to your connector's configuration. To obtain the default behavior, in a `.properties` file, you would specify something like the following:

            broldan@redhat.com Robert Roldan
            broldan@redhat.com Robert Roldan
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