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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-5971

website-builder image cannot be built


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.2.0.Alpha1
    • None
    • container-images
    • None

      website-builder image is no longer buildable.

      It fails with

      ERROR:  Error installing jekyll:
      	The last version of sass-embedded (~> 1.54) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was 1.57.1. Try installing it with `gem install sass-embedded -v 1.57.1` and then running the current command again
      	sass-embedded requires RubyGems version >= 3.3.22. The current RubyGems version is 3.1.6. Try 'gem update --system' to update RubyGems itself.

      When RubyGems is updated the jekyll cannot be installed as sass-embedded is not provided for Alpine (musl-based) Linux.

      sassc support was removed in https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-sass-converter/pull/140

      We have few ways forward

      • Freeze jekyll version at the last suported
      • Switch to non-Alpine ruby base image - it is based on Ubuntu and the empty size is almost 900 MB
      • Switch to Fedora based image - it will be probably smaller but swiches from Ruby 2 to Ruby 3

      In the latter two cases the Dockerfile wil require significant upgrade due to node.js installation and dependencies not provided by the new distro.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jpechane Jiri Pechanec
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