Resolution: Done
What Debezium connector do you use and what version?
oracle-connector 1.9
What is the connector configuration?
Connector is built from docker image `quay.io/debezium/connect:1.9`
{"connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.oracle.OracleConnector", "db_type": "oracle", "tasks.max": "1", "database.server.name": "ora-xxx", "database.tablename.case.insensitive": "false", "database.oracle.version": "19+", "database.hostname": "xxx.xxx.com", "database.port": "1521", "database.user": "****", "database.password": "****************", "database.dbname": "orcl", "database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers": "******************", "database.history.kafka.topic": "debezium.oracle", "database.history.skip.unparseable.ddl": "true", "schema.include.list": "SCOTT", "column.mask.hash.SHA-256.with.salt.2jhfgSDSDs": "SCOTT.SYSUSER.PASSWD", "binary.handling.mode": "base64", "errors.log.enable": "true", "signal.data.collection": "ORCL.SCOTT.DBZ_SIGNAL" }
What is the captured database version and mode of deployment?
Oracle RDS
What behavior do you expect?
As oracle creates and removes non-relational tables in an included schema, Debezium should not stop streaming if a recognized non-relational table cannot be found.
What behavior do you see?
Debezium oracle-connector stops processing new LogMiner messages and logs an error that is cannot find metadata for non relational table CMP3$25287. According to this article CMP$ tables are temporary compression tables created by oracle as part its segment advising protocols.
Do you see the same behaviour using the latest relesead Debezium version?
Do you have the connector logs, ideally from start till finish?
2022-10-20 18:10:57,716 WARN Oracle|ora-orcl.g|streaming Table ORCL.SCOTT.CMP4$25287 is not a relational table and will be skipped. [io.debezium.connector.oracle.logminer.processor.AbstractLogMinerEventProcessor] 2022-10-20 18:10:57,716 INFO Oracle|ora-orcl.g|streaming Getting database metadata for table 'ORCL.SCOTT.CMP4$25287' [io.debezium.connector.oracle.logminer.processor.AbstractLogMinerEventProcessor] 2022-10-20 18:10:57,767 INFO Oracle|ora-orcl.g|streaming Connection gracefully closed [io.debezium.jdbc.JdbcConnection]
How to reproduce the issue using our tutorial deployment?