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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-5748

Remove note from snapshot metrics docs file that flags incremental snapshots as TP feature


    • False
    • None
    • False

      For the SQL-based connectors, incremental snapshots were promoted to GA for the downstream release in 2022.Q3 and all references to the feature as Technology Preview were supposed to be removed. One TP note was overlooked in a shared partials file (/partials/modules/all-connectors/ref-connector-monitoring-incremental-snapshot-metrics.adoc) that contains information about connector incremental snapshots metrics. The reference in the shared file is propagated to the documentation for all of the downstream connectors. A separate MR was applied downstream to correct the 2022.Q3 content in the Red Hat Customer Portal. 







            broldan@redhat.com Robert Roldan
            broldan@redhat.com Robert Roldan
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
