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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-5422

Update link format in shared tutorial file


      The Introduction to the upstream tutorial con-introduction-debezium.adoc includes a link to the MySQL connector documentation. In the file, the link is constructed as an xref that uses the attribute that points upstream to the local adoc file, and downstream, to the User Guide.

      However, for the link to work downstream in the context of the Getting Started guide, it must be constructed with the {{}{{{}link-prefix}{}}} attribute, and must include the anchor ID defined at the head of the upstream mysql.adoc file, debezium-connector-for-mysql.

      For the link to work in both contexts, it must use the following format:

      {link-prefix}:{link-mysql-connector}#debezium-connector-for-mysql[MySQL connector]

            broldan@redhat.com Robert Roldan
            broldan@redhat.com Robert Roldan
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