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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-5293

Update instructions for deploying Debezium on RHEL (downstream-only change)


      The current instructions in the Debezium RHEL installation guide end come to an end with the step to start KC. They do not describe:

      • How to register the connector
      • How to verify that the connector creates topics and populates them with content from database.

      Registering the connector
      Add information about how to register the connector, by running a curl command against the KC REST API at localhost:8083/connectors, similar to the steps in the upstream DBZ tutorial
      Specify the destination directory for saving plugin files: opt/kafka/connector-plugins/debezium-connector-<connector>/

      Verifying the deployment
      Add verification steps to check topic content as per upstream tutorial
      E.g, run kafka-console-consumer.sh, as in Step 3 of the verification instructions for OCP, except that instead of running use `oc exec` to run it, you run it locally from /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh

            broldan@redhat.com Robert Roldan
            broldan@redhat.com Robert Roldan
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