Resolution: Duplicate
你使用什么 Debezium 连接器,什么版本?
<oracle11g,debezium-server, idea local>
<I tested the scenarios in DBZ-5186 in version 1.9.3, but still encountered problems. In version 1.7, it is io/debezium/connector/oracle/logminer/logminerhelper Java:228 parsing error. The solution in version 1.9 is: io/debezium/connector/oracle/logminer/processor/abstractlogminereventprocessor Java:727, getting redo_ If the SQL and DML statements are invalid, an exception will be thrown. However, there are two problems: first, if an exception is thrown, it means that the connector will always fail to start no matter how many times it is started, because SCN will not change. Second, we use the logminer tool to observe: "update" inmon. " A "set" col 5 "= hextoraw ('c104') where" col 1 "= hextoraw ('33') and" col 2 "= hextoraw ('3333') and" col 3 "= hextoraw ('c122') and" col 4 "= hextoraw ('c122') and" col 5 "= hextoraw ('c103')" such an SQL is not an invalid SQL, it is the normal data we modify, but logminer does not know the reason and does not dictionary convert the column number and value. If debezium ignores this data for, There will be data loss>
<2022-06-07 14:59:34,761 INFO [org.apa.kaf.con.sto.FileOffsetBackingStore] (pool-11-thread-1) Stopped FileOffsetBackingStore
2022-06-07 14:59:34,761 INFO [io.deb.ser.ConnectorLifecycle] (pool-11-thread-1) Connector completed: success = 'false', message = 'Error while trying to run connector class 'io.debezium.connector.oracle.OracleConnector'', error = '{}': org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException: An exception occurred in the change event producer. This connector will be stopped.
at io.debezium.pipeline.ErrorHandler.setProducerThrowable(ErrorHandler.java:50)
at io.debezium.connector.oracle.logminer.LogMinerStreamingChangeEventSource.execute(LogMinerStreamingChangeEventSource.java:222)
at io.debezium.connector.oracle.logminer.LogMinerStreamingChangeEventSource.execute(LogMinerStreamingChangeEventSource.java:60)
at io.debezium.pipeline.ChangeEventSourceCoordinator.streamEvents(ChangeEventSourceCoordinator.java:174)
at io.debezium.pipeline.ChangeEventSourceCoordinator.executeChangeEventSources(ChangeEventSourceCoordinator.java:141)
at io.debezium.pipeline.ChangeEventSourceCoordinator.lambda$start$0(ChangeEventSourceCoordinator.java:109)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:515)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
Caused by: io.debezium.DebeziumException: Oracle failed to re-construct redo SQL 'update "INMON"."A" set "COL 5" = HEXTORAW('c104') where "COL 1" = HEXTORAW('33') and "COL 2" = HEXTORAW('3333') and "COL 3" = HEXTORAW('c122') and "COL 4" = HEXTORAW('c122') and "COL 5" = HEXTORAW('c103');'
at io.debezium.connector.oracle.logminer.processor.AbstractLogMinerEventProcessor.handleDataEvent(AbstractLogMinerEventProcessor.java:732)
at io.debezium.connector.oracle.logminer.processor.AbstractLogMinerEventProcessor.processRow(AbstractLogMinerEventProcessor.java:294)
at io.debezium.connector.oracle.logminer.processor.AbstractLogMinerEventProcessor.processResults(AbstractLogMinerEventProcessor.java:244)
at io.debezium.connector.oracle.logminer.processor.AbstractLogMinerEventProcessor.process(AbstractLogMinerEventProcessor.java:190)
at io.debezium.connector.oracle.logminer.LogMinerStreamingChangeEventSource.execute(LogMinerStreamingChangeEventSource.java:210)
... 9 more>
<I think this problem will recur no matter which deployment method is used, that is, use debezium to monitor any Oracle test table, wait for the snapshot to complete, stop the connector, then issue any DML statement (add, delete and modify) in the table, and then modify the table structure, such as modifying the field name, and then issue a DML statement to restart the connector. This error will be received>
- duplicates
DBZ-3401 Implement Hybrid Mining Strategy for Oracle, seamless DDL tracking with online catalog performance
- Resolved