Feature Request
Resolution: Done
Currently Debezium signalling for ad-hoc snapshotting requires specifying the fully-qualified name of the data-collection to control the scope. Meanwhile, the table.include.list allows for the specification of regular expressions instead of FQNs. I'd like to be able to expand the spec of the ad-hoc snapshot signalling record to include an optional field that is an array of regular-expressions (with the same parsing/semantics as the `table.include.list`) instead of an array of fully-qualified data-collection names. The regular expressions would be resolved to all matching tables at the time the signal is processed and allow the user to specify a dynamic number of tables to snapshot (just as we can specify a dynamic number of tables in the table.include.list). If new tables matching these regular expressions are created later, this should have no effect on the old ad-hoc snapshot signal.
It is possible that a new field in the ad-hoc signalling record is not desireable (note this would imply different semantics than Debezium's connector properties - there is a single `table.include.list` property, rather than one for fqn and one for regex). In that case, the definition of the existing `data-collections` field could instead be relaxed and become the list of regexes and not FQNs - although this might be considered a breaking change, I'm not sure.