Feature Request
Resolution: Done
my test table(postgresql):
CREATE TABLE public.arr_test(
id serial,
content text,
films integer[] NULL,
films_relation jsonb NULL,
imgs varchar(256)[] NULL,
primary key(id)
warn log:
Unexpected JDBC type '2003' for column 'imgs' that will be ignored [io.debezium.relational.TableSchemaBuilder]
I looked at the code in PostgresValueConverter.java, varchar array seems to be unrealized.
// These array types still need to be implemented. The superclass will not handle them so
// we return null here until we can code schema implementations for them.
return null;
Would like to ask why varchar array is not supported. Is it recommended to use the text array?
- duplicates
DBZ-459 Postgresql connector doesn't work with varchar[] field
- Closed