Uploaded image for project: 'Debezium'
  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-4754

Update cache-invalidation example


    • False
    • False

      Update cache-invalidation example, there are several places where updates are needed:

      • while maven dependencies are updated by github dependency bot, actually dependencies used when running the example are in Docker file - put in sync maven dependencies and postgres and infinispan versions in docker file
      • update wildfly version
      • use example-postgres docker image instead of postgres image
      • use env. variable for specifying postgres image version
      • unify maven property name with debezium version to be version.debezium - same as in other example so we can easily grep for it when bumping DBZ version
      • use same naming schema for other maven properties
      • update DBZ version
      • update jboss-deplyment-structure to reflect ISPN 11 modules structure

            vjuranek@redhat.com Vojtech Juranek
            vjuranek@redhat.com Vojtech Juranek
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