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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-4715

Source timestamp timezone differs between snapshot and streaming records


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.9.0.Beta1
    • None
    • oracle-connector
    • None

      Hi Team,

           We using debezium with log minor on oracle. during CDC we getting different epoch values under source.ts_ms

      • In initial snapshot - source.ts_ms is in UTC 
      • during streaming - source.ts_ms is in IST

      there is no problem with debezium time format but as oracle is configured in IST we getting these kind of in consistency.

      Use case: To produce custom metrics in grefana we using these info to do the calculation of latency.

      Note: there is no issue on the ts_ms which is in root level, that is always in UTC

      please help us on this.


      Arun M

            ccranfor@redhat.com Chris Cranford
            marun790 Arun M (Inactive)
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            4 Start watching this issue
