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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-3771

Connector reconfig don't reflect properties changes


    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
    • Hide

      Create a dbz connector, an example set of properties could be:

          "database.dbname": "lb_test",
          "database.hostname": "debezium-pg",
          "database.password": {},
          "database.server.name": "lb_pg_test",
          "database.user": "postgres",
          "slot.drop.on.stop": true,
          "slot.name": "lb_slot_1",
          "table.include.list": "public.test",
          "tasks.max": "1"

      modify the properties changing the KafkaConnector CR if you use strimzi or directly calling the Kafka Connect REST api by PUT to /connectors/<connector-name>/config and just change the include list: "table.include.list": "public.testXXX".

      Correctly a stop and start of the connector is issued but somehow the dbz task dose not take into account the new value of the "table.include.list" property.

      Create a dbz connector, an example set of properties could be: "database.dbname" : "lb_test" , "database.hostname" : "debezium-pg" , "database.password" : {}, "database.server.name" : "lb_pg_test" , "database.user" : "postgres" , "slot.drop.on.stop" : true , "slot.name" : "lb_slot_1" , "table.include.list" : " public .test" , "tasks.max" : "1" modify the properties changing the KafkaConnector CR if you use strimzi or directly calling the Kafka Connect REST api by PUT to /connectors/<connector-name>/config and just change the include list: "table.include.list": "public.testXXX" . Correctly a stop and start of the connector is issued but somehow the dbz task dose not take into account the new value of the "table.include.list" property.

      Changes to a dbz connector property are not reflected in a running connector. You need to delete and recreate it for the changes to be effective.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            atarocch@redhat.com Andrea Tarocchi (Inactive)
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