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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-3019

Complete support for properties that contain hyphens


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      Run Connect docker image via docker-compose with a hyphen-containing variable such as:

      CONNECT_KEY_CONVERTER_APICURIO_REGISTRY_GLOBAL-ID:                io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.strategy.CachedSchemaIdStrategy

       Check file:


      And see that the property HAS been added but the value is empty.

      Note also the lack-luster Apicurio logging that occurs, preventing a typical user from discovering what is going on under the hood.

      Now empathize with how infuriating it is to have this happen and spend a day trying 100 different configuration permutations to try to work out what you have done wrong.

      Finally, fix the problem and experience the near-orgasmic joy and relief of having finally conquered this beast...

      Hope this helps. Keep up the good work. Debezium is amazing.

      Run Connect docker image via docker-compose with a hyphen-containing variable such as: CONNECT_KEY_CONVERTER_APICURIO_REGISTRY_GLOBAL- ID: io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.strategy.CachedSchemaIdStrategy  Check file: /kafka/config/connect-distributed.properties And see that the property HAS been added but the value is empty. Note also the lack-luster Apicurio logging that occurs, preventing a typical user from discovering what is going on under the hood. Now empathize with how infuriating it is to have this happen and spend a day trying 100 different configuration permutations to try to work out what you have done wrong. Finally, fix the problem and experience the near-orgasmic joy and relief of having finally conquered this beast... Hope this helps. Keep up the good work. Debezium is amazing.

      Linux has patchy support for hyphen-containing ENV vars. Docker and most of this image does support them.
      Unfortunately in one place it does not and this prevents configuring the image correctly for Apicurio correctly.


      CONNECT_KEY_CONVERTER_APICURIO_REGISTRY_GLOBAL-ID: io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.strategy.CachedSchemaIdStrategy

      The script in question within the connect-base image: /kafka/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh

      It contains an indirect variable reference using a ENV var as the lookup. This works fine until there is a hyphen in the ENV var name in which case it very helpfully sets the correct variable to 'empty' without informing you.

      An example of the offending in the script:


      prop_name=`echo "$VAR" | sed -r "s/^CONNECT_(.*)=.*/\1/g" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr _ .`
      echo "$prop_name=${!env_var}" >> $KAFKA_HOME/config/connect-distributed.properties



      The fix I have used for my situation is below.

      It may work in all cases unless there is a requirement I am not aware of that requires that indirect reference:


      prop_name=`echo "$VAR" | sed -r "s/^CONNECT_(.*)=.*/\1/g" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr _ .`
      prop_value=`echo "$VAR" | sed -r "s/^CONNECT_.*=(.*)/\1/g"`
      echo "$prop_name=${prop_value}" >> $KAFKA_HOME/config/connect-distributed.properties







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