Resolution: Done
After fetching content from master, and building the downstream Debezium User Guide, I found that these updates are needed:
- postgresql.adoc
- Update the annotations for the descriptions of change events. The delete event section is missing its
// Type: continue
annotation. And there should no longer be separate xrefs for the specific kinds of event types. - Check toplevel product-only list of xrefs - should point to new assembly anchor ID for deployment
- In the new deployment content, there is a plus sign missing before “The command creates a Docker ….”
- Also in the new deployment section, in the EOF step, replace << with & less than attributes and replace > with ampersand greater than attribute.
- Also in new deployment section, add “subs-”+attributes” to the source listing that refers to the KafkaConnectorAPI version. Probably need to make sure it uses the attribute.
- ref-descriptions-of-debezium-postgresql-connector-configuration-properties
The include.list property has a period where it needs a hyphen in the anchor ID. - couldn't find this, hopefully it was fixed.
- Update the annotations for the descriptions of change events. The delete event section is missing its
- mysql.adoc
- ref-monitoring-debezium-mysql-connector-binlog-reading has a period where it needs a comma in the << >> link for NotWellFormedWhatevers
- upstream typo, there is a space in the anchor ID for: monitoring-debezium-mysql-connector-schema history
- db2.adoc
- Search for “<>” and insert 1. - couldn't find this. Hopefully, it was fixed already.
- This is causing a downstream problem so move one of them to be before the annotations and then add a blank line.
- event-flattening.adoc
- The Behavior section is not getting split properly. Maybe add a source anchor ID?
- relates to
DBZ-2127 Merge MySQL doc source files into one again
- Closed