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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-1388

Outbox router should skip heartbeat messages by default


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 0.10.0.Beta3
    • None
    • core-library
    • None

      Since Outbox is a router itself, it can do 2 things, either skip heartbeat messages or ignore them.

      The previous behavior was to ignore them since the heartbeat messages were tombstones (so it automatically) happened.

      After DBZ-1363 the Outbox SMT will try to direct the source to a wrong place, breaking things down.

      I propose to do this in 2 steps:
      1: Ignore the heartbeat messages
      2: Adding an option to route them to somewhere else (possibly inheriting the configuration from the main connector itself)

            renatomefi Renato Mefi (Inactive)
            renatomefi Renato Mefi (Inactive)
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